Brainstorming thoughts.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I'm kinda annoyed with my progress on my personal essay so far (or lack thereof). Nothing has stuck out much in mind that in my opinion would serve as a good start for the essay. I have a few bland ideas in mind, but they don't seem to be very interesting to write about and I feel that if I don't enjoy writing it, odds are that people won't enjoy reading it either. Which in the end, seems like a waste of writing if no one enjoys reading it. What I'm hoping for is that while I'm busy doing something else, be it playing a video game, doing other classes' homework, or writing a chapter of one of my stories, a good idea will suddenly roll out of my head and my eyes will widen as if I had experienced an epiphany. That's the way I work, which turns out to be a pain at times. I get my best ideas when they're the least useful; IE: While taking a shower. While doing yard work. While I'm walking my dog at the park. With a few gentle nudges, I'm sure that good idea will come forth.


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